Olivier Glehen

Current position

Head of the General and Oncologic Surgery Department in Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud

Research activities

His main research and clinical interests are the curative management of all peritoneal carcinomatosis (cytoreductive surgery, peritonectomy procedures and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy or HIPEC), the treatment of liver metastatic disease and gastric cancer. He is performing more than 200 combined procedures (cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC) per year in his Oncologic Department in Lyon Sud Hospital for various peritoneal carcinomatosis (colorectal, gastric, ovarian, pseudomyxoma peritonei, mesothelioma). He also develops PIPAC procedures and intraperitoneal chemotherapy for neoadjuvant and palliative care. He has published extensively in the area of clinical oncology especially in peritoneal carcinomatosis (more than 150 articles indexed in Pubmed) with an H index of more than 50. He is currently active in clinical and experimental trials for liver metastasis, peritoneal carcinomatosis, and gastric cancer. He is at the Head of RENAPE (French Network on rare peritoneal disease) and BIG-RENAPE groups (National Clinic-Biological Database on Digestive Peritoneal Carcinomatosis). He is Associate Editor of European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Journal of Surgical Oncology and Journal of Peritoneum. He is director with Marc Pocard of Inter-University Diploma on Peritoneal Carcinomatosis in France and is Reference Center for Tutorial Education for Peritoneal Surface Malignancies into European Society of Surgical Oncology


Professor Olivier Glehen, MD, PhD is the Head of the General and Oncologic Surgery Department in Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud (Hospices Civils de Lyon) and in Lyon Sud Charles Mérieux Medical Faculty since 2012. He is Director of the Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Research Group from the EMR 3738 (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University). Prof Glehen graduated from Lyon Sud Faculty in 1993. He has obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1998. He worked from 2002 to 2003 In Washington Cancer Institute as Research fellow with Paul Sugarbaker. He organized the 6th International Workshop on Peritoneal Surface Malignancy in Lyon on 2008. He is member of French National Surgical Academy and of European Surgical Association (ESA) since 2015. He is also member of FRENCH Association and FFCD.


Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, 69495 Pierre Bénite, France

Other contact data

Department of General and Oncologic Surgery Department
Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud
69495 Pierre Bénite, France Cédex